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Sending & Preferences

Manage your account preferences and settings

Ryan O'Donnell avatar
Written by Ryan O'Donnell
Updated over 6 years ago

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Configuration of account wide settings.

Your Account Preferences control the default settings for your campaigns and account. You can override some settings at the campaign level.  Here are available settings and an explanation of each configuration options.

  1. Default Timezone: Set your default time zone which will used to calculate your delivery windows based on your daily campaign start time.

  2. Default Campaign Start Time: The time you enter will be your default time to start campaign delivery of emails and creating of ToDos.  You can override this setting in Campaign Settings or on each step of the campaign in 'advanced settings.'

  3. Default Campaign Execution Days: You can select or deselect the ONLY days of the week your campaign will deliver emails based on the wait periods between email steps.  You can override this setting in your Campaign Settings.

  4. Outgoing BCC Email: If your CRM provides a 'BCC' email option to update activities, you can save that email address in this field.  If you added a BCC email but it's not updating your CRM, check out this article.  (Before you add Salesforce BCC email address, consider if you'd like to use our built in bidirectional integration with Salesforce.  Contact us for more info.)

  5. Maximum Emails Sent Per Day: The default setting across your account is 250*.  You can edit this setting, but your mail server may throttle your sending based on your email activity.  Here is a Google's position on this and you should consult your email server's policy on maximum emails per day.

  6. Minimum Seconds Between Emails:  Replyify will send emails at randomized time intervals until your campaign or account maximum email threshold is reached. This setting is the minimum time between each send.  The default is 25 seconds.  

  7. Out of Office Rule: Uncheck this option if you do NOT want to pause the sequence if we detect the phrase 'out of the office' or 'out of office' in a reply.  If you uncheck this, you can also tell Replyify what to do with the OOO autoresponder.  When We Detect An Out Of Office, you can instruct Replyify to Delete, Archive and Move to a specific folder in your inbox, or leave the OOO in your inbox.

  8. Track Replies For Converted Contacts: If a prospect replies to an email and you do NOT mark them as 'Converted' then each subsequent reply from them will appear in your reply section.  Mark the prospect as 'Converted' and uncheck this setting to prevent future replies from appearing in the your ToDos section.

  9. When A Contact Replies: When a contact replies to one of your emails and you view the reply in Replyify ToDos, you can choose to mark the email as read or unread in your inbox by choosing the appropriate option for this setting.  I like to keep this as 'unread.'  In the ToDos section I can reply add a reminder and even move the message to a specific folder to keep my inbox organized.

  10. When We Detect A Bounce Report: Use this setting to tell Replyify what to do with a detected bounce notification.  You can leave it in the inbox (which can get messy), delete/archive, or move it to a specified folder.  (my preference is delete)

Warm Up Account

Warming up your email account is a good idea for:

  • New email accounts

  • New mail server

  • Email accounts that haven't sent higher volumes of cold emails before

  • Recently changes DNS settings (ie - SPF or DKIM added)

Warming up an account used to be a tedious but important function to maximizing deliverability.  You want to avoid big spikes and coming out of the gates sending too many emails.  Now you can control the number of emails you send, the rate at which volume will increase and over how many days you'd like to warm up the account.

Based on your saved settings, Replyify will automatically manage this process so you don't need to log in and adjust your settings every day for three weeks.  The warm up option will be available after you edit/sett your Account Preferences for the first time.  And, if you started to warm up your account and decide you're too cool for school, just edit your 'Maximum Emails Sent Per Day' settings in your Account Preferences.

ps - check out this post on Deliverability for more context on why we added this feature.

Contact Fields

Manage the custom fields that are visible for your Contacts.  'Contact Fields' describe the data associated to a contact that was 1) imported from SellHack 2) uploaded via a file import 3) added manually.

Replyify will attempt to automatically match a contact field to a data point on import or upload.  On import/upload, if a Contact Field is not recognized and automatically mapped, a new 'Contact Field' will be automatically created if you don't select the option to exclude from the import.  Each new Contact Field will become available in the 'Variables' dropdown for either the subject line or message body of your email campaign.  If a 'Variable' is inserted into the body of an email, it will automatically insert the data point mapped to the Contact Field.  

Importing data, over time from multiple data providers, could lead to an excessive number of 'Contact Fields' (and subsequently variables).  In this section of your Account Settings, you can 'Edit' to add or remove 'Contact Fields'.


We're currently evaluating the most efficient and flexible options to enable automated email or in-app notifications.  Please submit your feature requests for what you'd like to see happen with 'Notifications' by emailing us at

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